Saturday, March 28, 2009

Monsters v. Aliens

This was a work of craftsmanship, if not art. I would agree more with Slate's take that this is Dreamwork's Pixar moment, than with Ebert's trashing of the movie. The review was just not good. A dictionary definition of "wit" in a review of a kid movie?

Hey bud, I dunno about you, but my kids liked it. It gave me an opportunity to introduce the concept of "code brown" to my daughter, which I had actually been meaning to do for a while, but never got around to it.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Saturday, March 21, 2009


I wasn't much for drama/acting in school. But now that I'm Old, I recognize, it's all about acting. I'm encouraging my kids to go in for drama.

We all love acting. There aren't awards for Telling the Truth, but there are awards for Acting. Every year, we watch to see who the best actor is going to be.

The California governor is an actor.

A very popular past president was an actor.

It's not a coincidence. Acting is nothing less than the engine of Power.

People don't mind that acting is insincere (though eventually such acting grates on people). People would rather have insincere acting than no acting.

The hard thing is to not forget who you are despite all the acting. We all have roles to play, but we never stop being who we are despite the roles. Being with trusted friends, shouldn't involve acting.